Around six years ago, I want to Australia for a family vacation. I was eight years old then. I have been to many countries like Malaysia, Thailand, India and Indonesia. But one of the best vacations had to be Australia. Not only are some of the places there beautiful, they also have a variety of theme parks which attracts children and adults alike. The first place we went to was Brisbane, were we went to this farm. My family and I got to do many fun stuff like feeding the animals and riding on them.We also got to milk a cow.(Which I was too afraid to do)
After our farm experience we then made our way to Gold Coast. This is one of the most fun places I have ever been to. First we went to a theme park called called Sea World. It was full of marine life including dolphins, sharks and sealions. The dolphins were an amazing sight. They did amazing stunts which stunned me.

After Sea World, we went to movie world. Movie world was an equally fun experience. We started by taking a roller-coaster themed after Scooby-Doo. It was called Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster. It was really a scary and thrilling ride. We then saw a live show about Batman and took pictures with some of the villains from the movies.

After our trip to Gold Coast we also went to Melbourne and Sydney. We saw the Sydney Oprah house, went on ferries and on one of the ferry rides, we got to feed some pelicans with raw fish.(We used gloves of course) This is why my trip to Australia was the best family vacation yet. It was extremely fun and i look forward to another vacation like this.
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