Last Saturday, my friends and I decided to do a class project. The project was about ways to improve our school, making it a better learning environment. We decided to go to Jasman's house. Before we started on our projects we decided to play for a while first. We played Halo which is a game that we play all the time.

After about an hour, we started on our project. First we typed down some (previously written) ideas on improving our school. Then we continued to write our report. There were three parts to writing this report. After each part, we took a little break by playing Halo once again. This is one way to prevent stress. Taking breaks. After each break, we will continue with our report. Thus we finished the report in less than an hour. Best of all, we hardly broke a sweat. We were not the least bit stressed. In fact, we were having fun the entire time.
Since It was still early, we decided to spend more time in Jasman's house.(Yup, you guessed it) we continued to play Halo for a few hours. We also watched a few videos on Youtube.
This video is HILARIOUS!!
This video is cool!
This video is the best. It is the trailer of the new upcoming game of the Halo franchise. I am certainly looking forward to this.
And there you have it. This is how you do projects and have fun at the same time. More tips will be updated soon.
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