Thursday, 28 January 2010
Greetings! This is my fifth (and probably last) post. In this post, I would like to talk about a somewhat interesting topic. No, I am not talking about Halo or girls, I am talking about pets. Many people keep pets. People who keep pets are either animal lovers, sadistic killers or lonely children who wants a friend.
Also a wide variety of pets can be kept. Some examples are dogs, cats, terrapins, mice, guinea pigs, horses, sheep, fish, pigeons, parrots, canaries, chickens, doves, turkeys, goats, llamas, ferrets, hedgehogs, alpacas and pigs. I know that is a handful although Singapore only has a quarter of the animals I have mentioned. The rest are either found in zoos or in nature reserves.
Taking care of a pet is hard work. Not as hard as taking care of a baby, but still can be exhausting. Instead of getting milk, powder, and tons of diapers, you will need a food bowl,a kennel(or cage), go to the vet for health check-ups regularly and loads of dog-food must be bought.(Or cat-food, depending on your pet.) This can be costly so consideration should be made before buying a pet.
Some people buy pets without knowing what they are getting themselves into. They do not consider the cost, the pet's welfare and soon, they will neglect it. Many animals, especially dogs have been mistreated and abused by their owners . The same owners who bought them years before, thinking they could be great companions. The poor animals end up getting injured by neglectful owners.
Thus you should never neglect your pet. You should strengthen the bond within you and your pet. However if you are too attached with your pet, being away from it could leave you heartbroken. Dogs usually past away within the age of fifteen.(In human years)Its death will be tough to take but that is inevitable. So, you should still be attached to your pet despite the pain that you will get when your pet dies.
Therefore, before buying or adopting a pet, give a little consideration. Can you afford it? Will you take care of it for the rest of your life? If yes, than feel free to get a pet as long as you make sure you take care of it. That is it for now.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tips on doing a project while having fun.
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Last Saturday, my friends and I decided to do a class project. The project was about ways to improve our school, making it a better learning environment. We decided to go to Jasman's house. Before we started on our projects we decided to play for a while first. We played Halo which is a game that we play all the time.
After about an hour, we started on our project. First we typed down some (previously written) ideas on improving our school. Then we continued to write our report. There were three parts to writing this report. After each part, we took a little break by playing Halo once again. This is one way to prevent stress. Taking breaks. After each break, we will continue with our report. Thus we finished the report in less than an hour. Best of all, we hardly broke a sweat. We were not the least bit stressed. In fact, we were having fun the entire time.
Since It was still early, we decided to spend more time in Jasman's house.(Yup, you guessed it) we continued to play Halo for a few hours. We also watched a few videos on Youtube.
This video is HILARIOUS!!
This video is cool!
This video is the best. It is the trailer of the new upcoming game of the Halo franchise. I am certainly looking forward to this.
And there you have it. This is how you do projects and have fun at the same time. More tips will be updated soon.
Last Saturday, my friends and I decided to do a class project. The project was about ways to improve our school, making it a better learning environment. We decided to go to Jasman's house. Before we started on our projects we decided to play for a while first. We played Halo which is a game that we play all the time.

After about an hour, we started on our project. First we typed down some (previously written) ideas on improving our school. Then we continued to write our report. There were three parts to writing this report. After each part, we took a little break by playing Halo once again. This is one way to prevent stress. Taking breaks. After each break, we will continue with our report. Thus we finished the report in less than an hour. Best of all, we hardly broke a sweat. We were not the least bit stressed. In fact, we were having fun the entire time.
Since It was still early, we decided to spend more time in Jasman's house.(Yup, you guessed it) we continued to play Halo for a few hours. We also watched a few videos on Youtube.
This video is HILARIOUS!!
This video is cool!
This video is the best. It is the trailer of the new upcoming game of the Halo franchise. I am certainly looking forward to this.
And there you have it. This is how you do projects and have fun at the same time. More tips will be updated soon.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
A trip to Australia
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Around six years ago, I want to Australia for a family vacation. I was eight years old then. I have been to many countries like Malaysia, Thailand, India and Indonesia. But one of the best vacations had to be Australia. Not only are some of the places there beautiful, they also have a variety of theme parks which attracts children and adults alike. The first place we went to was Brisbane, were we went to this farm. My family and I got to do many fun stuff like feeding the animals and riding on them.We also got to milk a cow.(Which I was too afraid to do)
After our farm experience we then made our way to Gold Coast. This is one of the most fun places I have ever been to. First we went to a theme park called called Sea World. It was full of marine life including dolphins, sharks and sealions. The dolphins were an amazing sight. They did amazing stunts which stunned me.

After Sea World, we went to movie world. Movie world was an equally fun experience. We started by taking a roller-coaster themed after Scooby-Doo. It was called Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster. It was really a scary and thrilling ride. We then saw a live show about Batman and took pictures with some of the villains from the movies.

After our trip to Gold Coast we also went to Melbourne and Sydney. We saw the Sydney Oprah house, went on ferries and on one of the ferry rides, we got to feed some pelicans with raw fish.(We used gloves of course) This is why my trip to Australia was the best family vacation yet. It was extremely fun and i look forward to another vacation like this.
Around six years ago, I want to Australia for a family vacation. I was eight years old then. I have been to many countries like Malaysia, Thailand, India and Indonesia. But one of the best vacations had to be Australia. Not only are some of the places there beautiful, they also have a variety of theme parks which attracts children and adults alike. The first place we went to was Brisbane, were we went to this farm. My family and I got to do many fun stuff like feeding the animals and riding on them.We also got to milk a cow.(Which I was too afraid to do)
After our farm experience we then made our way to Gold Coast. This is one of the most fun places I have ever been to. First we went to a theme park called called Sea World. It was full of marine life including dolphins, sharks and sealions. The dolphins were an amazing sight. They did amazing stunts which stunned me.

After Sea World, we went to movie world. Movie world was an equally fun experience. We started by taking a roller-coaster themed after Scooby-Doo. It was called Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster. It was really a scary and thrilling ride. We then saw a live show about Batman and took pictures with some of the villains from the movies.

After our trip to Gold Coast we also went to Melbourne and Sydney. We saw the Sydney Oprah house, went on ferries and on one of the ferry rides, we got to feed some pelicans with raw fish.(We used gloves of course) This is why my trip to Australia was the best family vacation yet. It was extremely fun and i look forward to another vacation like this.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
A wonderful occasion
Thursday,21 January,2010
Last week, my sister got her O-level results. She did better than any of us had expected. Thus our family were in a joyous mood. After receiving the results, my family and I went to Thai Express to have our lunch. Apparently, our family goes for Thai food after memorable occasions.(For example, my PSLE results and my sister's PSLE results.) It is sort of a family tradition.
The following evening, our cousins gave my sister and the rest of my family a treat. This time, we went to a seafood restaurant. We had tons of fun,(and food) and enjoyed the rest of the evening.
This was certainly a joyous occasion and it was not the end of it. During the weekends on the same week, our family and cousins decided to celebrate together in East Coast Park. And we kept it a secret from my sister! Our family lied to her, telling her that we were going there for exercise and she believed us. When we reached the beach. We gave her a huge surprise. My sister was elated and received many presents. We then spent the rest of the day riding bikes and having fun. We ended up going home at half past midnight. I really enjoyed that entire week. Spending time with my family and relatives is fun and also important as it strengthens the bond between us. I hope to have more of this gatherings soon. And hopefully I do not have to wait for my O-levels to be over to have these happy occasions.
Last week, my sister got her O-level results. She did better than any of us had expected. Thus our family were in a joyous mood. After receiving the results, my family and I went to Thai Express to have our lunch. Apparently, our family goes for Thai food after memorable occasions.(For example, my PSLE results and my sister's PSLE results.) It is sort of a family tradition.
The following evening, our cousins gave my sister and the rest of my family a treat. This time, we went to a seafood restaurant. We had tons of fun,(and food) and enjoyed the rest of the evening.
This was certainly a joyous occasion and it was not the end of it. During the weekends on the same week, our family and cousins decided to celebrate together in East Coast Park. And we kept it a secret from my sister! Our family lied to her, telling her that we were going there for exercise and she believed us. When we reached the beach. We gave her a huge surprise. My sister was elated and received many presents. We then spent the rest of the day riding bikes and having fun. We ended up going home at half past midnight. I really enjoyed that entire week. Spending time with my family and relatives is fun and also important as it strengthens the bond between us. I hope to have more of this gatherings soon. And hopefully I do not have to wait for my O-levels to be over to have these happy occasions.
I laughed my pants off!

Thursday,January 21, 2010(as stated above)
Today, someone turned a boring ride home into one the best times of the year. This incident was so hilarious that I laughed my pants off.(Figuratively speaking, of course.)After another torturous day at school, I was on my way home in a MRT. In it, I noticed an old lady.(Around fifty years old.)She was asleep and her head was rested against the window.
After a few minutes, that lady suddenly woke up with a jolt.It almost looked like someone shot her with a taser. That sudden awakening even startled the small boy sitting next to her. I could not help but giggle at that sight. But the funny part has not even begun!
When the MRT was about to reach Tampines MRT station, the lady got up to leave. When the train stopped, the door that the woman was facing did not open. Why? It was because she was facing the wrong way! The door behind her was open. It took her about 20 seconds to figure out what was going on.(Which is 19 seconds longer than a average human being.) That woman then turned and exited the MRT. By then, I was already laughing like a lunatic. That lady might even have caught a glimpse of me laughing, which makes it a hundred times funnier! I know it is wrong to laugh at people, but in this case, an exception should be made. HA HA HA!
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